

This semi-precious layered rock which is mainly composed of calcite or aragonite. Onyx is available in the shades of white, yellow, brown, green and even black colors. Due to its fine-grained and cohesive structure, it can be polished to a mirror shine. Noteworthy is its translucent property which, if used for decorative purposes, will influence the aesthetics of the interior. The most common use of this stone is in dividers, wall coverings, furniture, decorative elements, fireplaces, bathroom countertops and sinks. It is an expensive stone, and it is classified as a luxury finish that perfectly highlights the high class of a design. Onyx is not recommended to be used on floors or kitchen countertops.

Adamowice, ul. Styropianowa 2
96-320 Mszczonów

tel. +48 46 857 24 47

The company INTERSTONE ® was founded in 2000 as a limited liability company. The company headquarters is located in Andrychowie przy ul. Słowackiego 4c/14, while storage of materials - in Adamowicach przy ul. Styropianowej 2, 48 km from Warsaw.