

It is an intrusive igneous rock which is mainly composed of quartz, feldspar and plagioclase. Granite comes in many different colors (shades of gray, brown, white, and pink). It is characterized by a grainy structure which allows recognition of the particular minerals with the naked eye. It is easy to work with, durable and resistant to the changing atmospheric conditions, including frost. Its water resistant properties allow for it to be used in the kitchen, bathroom and in the outdoors. It is worth mentioning that granite is not sensitive to acids and fungi. Thanks to its high density, it preserves heat which makes it a good finishing material used in heated floors or in fireplaces. Granite, amongst all natural stones, is most resistant to mechanical damages, abrasions or scratching. It can be polished and its shine lasts for a long time. Considering the trading nomenclature, there are other stones with similar properties which are available under the name of granite, such as basalt, porphyry, gneiss, hard dolomite or quartzite.

Adamowice, ul. Styropianowa 2
96-320 Mszczonów

tel. +48 46 857 24 47

The company INTERSTONE ® was founded in 2000 as a limited liability company. The company headquarters is located in Andrychowie przy ul. Słowackiego 4c/14, while storage of materials - in Adamowicach przy ul. Styropianowej 2, 48 km from Warsaw.